The oxidizing anticancer system of vitamin C and vitamin K3 (VC:VK3, producing hydrogen peroxide via superoxide) was combined individually with melatonin, curcumin, quercetin, or cholecalciferol (VD3) to determine interactions. Substrates were LNCaP and PC-3 prostate cancer cell lines. Three of the tested antioxidants displayed differences in cell line cytotoxicity. Melatonin combined with VC:VK3 quenched the oxidizing effect, while VC:VK3 applied 24 hours after melatonin showed no quenching. With increasing curcumin concentrations, an apparent combined effect of VC:VK3 and curcumin occurred in LNCaP cells, but not PC-3 cells. Quercetin alone was cytotoxic on both cell lines, but demonstrated an additional 50-percent cytotoxicity on PC-3 cells when combined with VC:VK3. VD3 was effective against both cell lines, with more effect on PC-3. This effect was negated on LNCaP cells with the addition of VC:VK3. In conclusion, a natural antioxidant can enhance or decrease the cytotoxicity of an oxidizing anticancer system in vitro, but generalizations about antioxidants cannot be made. (Altern Med Rev 2010;15(4):345-351)