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The use of intravenous ascorbate has a long history in complementary medicine. Its efficacy against malignant cells via a pro-oxidant mechanism has been previously demonstrated. In some quarters, B-vitamins have been included with intravenous ascorbate therapy. Because of the antioxidant effect of some B-vitamins, the question arose as to whether their presence could decrease the anti-malignant effect of ascorbate. The data regarding the direct ability of several B-vitamins to decrease the concentration of the active agent providing the anti-malignant effect are summarized. The individual case of cobalamin in this regard is more complex than other B-vitamins, in that cobalamin and ascorbate generate hydrogen peroxide and kill tumor cells in vitro. The implications of this result certainly warrant in vivo studies. The overall conclusion is that data do exist demonstrating that some B-vitamins do have the capacity to decrease the concentration of the anti-malignant agent from ascorbate at the tissue of concern. The authors recommend that B-vitamins or other antioxidant materials not be included with intravenous ascorbate intended for anti-cancer purposes. (Altern Med Rev 2011;16(Supp):1S-5S)

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